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To state or propose Principles, from a metaphysical or theological point of view, is always a challenge or a risk.

But from an anthropological point of view, the one where I place myself resolutely, it seemed essential to me, at least to enlighten the reader  on my positions.

I therefore applied myself to writing these pages which are also intended to invite the reader to enter into dialogue with what constitutes for me the essence of my thought and my research. 


It is a truth which appeared to me as my research progressed, particularly in etymology.
Many terms in our vocabulary come from the register of the sacred and of sacrifice. They contain within them the traces of this immemorial past of humanity, which we also carry within ourselves, often without our knowledge.

By analyzing and deepening a certain number of etymologies, I managed to grasp the importance of this first sacrificial stratum of humanity.

I present, in this article, the results of this research, but which are by no means exhaustive.  

Vocabulaire sacré


I have grouped together on this page some articles according to the themes addressed.  

These overview tables will allow a more focused and synthetic   reading.

The first theme concerns the question of meditation, which has been in vogue for years between Yoga and Buddhism.

Some of these articles are book reviews, others more in-depth analyses. 

I have added a reflection on the characteristics of contemplation, an act devoid of praxis whose true nature is generally unknown. 


The first theme concerns the question of meditation, which has been in vogue for years between Yoga and Buddhism.

Some of these articles are book reviews, others more in-depth analyses. 

I have added a reflection on the characteristics of contemplation, an act devoid of praxis whose true nature is generally unknown. 


Destiny of Buddhism

In my approach to Buddhism, accompanied by a commitment to Zen and Tibetan Tantrism which lasted about twenty years, I made a point of distinguishing Theravada Buddhism from Mahâyâna Buddhism and its various currents. Orthodox Buddhism, for me, was represented by the current of Theravada, and heterodox Buddhism by the currents of Mahâyâna Buddhism.

But today, after years of research, I have changed my mind on this question.

And I consider that Theravada Buddhism is a kind of living fossil, survivor of the first centuries of Indian history of Buddhism, but without being the original Buddhism. And it is following its failure, and the failure of its teachings as well as its practices, that the currents of Mahâyâna emerged in order to propose another way of awakening, less ossified and more adapted to new needs or to other cultures.

If the latter have suffered a fate similar to Theravada, they nonetheless represent attempts at spiritual innovation, just as they are a reflection of the Theravada's failure to express on its own true Buddhism and the only way towards enlightenment.

A first article brings together letters exchanged with a Theravâda specialist, and expresses my doubts and disagreements on points of doctrine. The second deals with the question of the origins of Buddhism, which too often responds to an ideal vision of the history of religions. And I propose another vision of these origins.

Origines du Bouddisme

spiritual experience

The spiritual or mystical experience, interior, intimate and subjective, has never been more honored than for several decades.

In the media and best-sellers dedicated to psychotherapy or spirituality, she receives all the votes.

Located at the heart of human development, everyone seeks it, cultivates it, maintains it according to their good will and their feelings. And few people dare to question it or even subject it to critical scrutiny. Having known many inner and mystical experiences, I dare to question these as well as those who promote it. 

Contemporary wisdoms

After the spiritual or mystical experience, analyzed above, it was difficult for me to ignore contemporary wisdom and spirituality.
It is on the latter that I leaned to detect their "true nature"
 according to the established expression.

Reviews of works by several contemporary authors, belonging to different religions, offer a synthetic table where the common points shared by these wisdoms are examined. always pride themselves on being better adapted to current times, and always being faster and more efficient, according to a consumerist and mercantile pattern specific to our mentality.  

Spiritual affects: love, compassion...

Spiritual affects such as charitable love, empathy and compassion have never been talked about so much. The number of books on these spiritual or spiritualized affects can no longer be counted, and hardly a month goes by to see  new ones appear on the shelves of bookstores.
However, none of these publications seriously questions these affects, which they take at face value, as if the evidence of their psychological nature was always self-evident and concealed nothing but noble feelings.

For my part, I have been exploring the notion of mystical love for several years, whether in the Christian sphere or that of Eastern religions, and I present here the results of my research._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

The theme of the murder of the Father

This is a theme that is particularly close to my heart and that I have dealt with in this site in many ways.

Articles, reflections, reviews..., I have deepened this theme in many texts that I gather here. And I also treated it by approaching several authors like C. Lévi-Strauss and R. Girard, but also in spirituality as in the history of religions or mythologies.  

Dragon des mythes

Mind control and abuse

These typical phenomena have been in the news for decades and culminated in the sexual abuse scandal.   I propose two reflections on this theme:


        which I attempt a different analysis from those which  have been published so far. 

Relation maître-disciple
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