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Philosophical reflections

Vertu aristotélicienne

Aristotelian virtue with regard to the question of happiness and justice.


This brief reflection takes up a classic problematic on the question of the nature of virtue, analyzed by two great ancient philosophies: Aristotelianism and Stoicism.

It is a question of showing the moral impasses of the position of Aristotle, in spite of his immense genius.

Métamoprhoses de la Vérité

The metamorphoses of Truth.

Insights into a crucial notion .


Since the Parmenidean moment and Platonism, the notions of Being and Truth have been, from a metaphysical and theological point of view, often assimilated. It was not until medieval scholasticism, and the debates between realism and nominalism, that these two notions were finally differentiated, and that a philosophy of knowledge was able to think of Truth without reference to Being.

This reflection also addresses the question of the incarnation of truth in Christianity, a theological statement which poses an immense problem, and that of the ambiguous status of truth in psychoanalysis.


On intentionality and its philosophical and psychological consequences.

Intentionality has been a widespread notion since the work of F. Brentano and Husserlian phenomenology. Its ambiguous nature demands clarification which is always difficult to achieve.

This article attempts to do so, by rehabilitating a key notion for the process of knowing, but usually ignored by phenomenology and related philosophies: the will.


Stoic wisdom and non-dual spiritualities.

A common psychic source.


An obvious fact appeared to me in the course of my work and my research on the subject of wisdoms and spiritualities. Namely, that these, despite their intellectual, geographic or historical remoteness, may share common characteristics.

It is on one of them that this article looks to show what, beyond the table of virtues with which Stoic wisdom and non-dual spiritualities are usually adorned, brings them together, especially in their claim to want to deify man, or to find a lost Edenic state, but recoverable thanks to their practices.

Sagesse stoïcienne et non-dualité

Reflection on the ontological argument of Saint Anselm of Canterbury.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Nothing less obvious than this proof of the existence of God which presents itself however as obvious, at the same time theological, rational and spiritual planes.

I take up this argument again and demonstrate that the criticism of the monk Gaunilon, who opposed Saint Anselm on this question, is completely founded. And that there is no solution of continuity between the intuition of the infinite or of the infinite greatness, in oneself and in the spirit, and its external reality.

Saint Anselme
Ethique des vertus

The ethics of virtues with regard to philosophy and theology.

Wisdom and morals.

The ethics of virtues have experienced an undeniable revival for several decades.  

It is in the spotlight at the same time in the contemporary therapies, the current of the personal development as well as in the ancient wisdoms, revisited, and the oriental spiritualities.  

This ethic resonates with post-modern mentalities where we pride ourselves on being autonomous and owing only to ourselves our own success or destiny.

However, this ethic does not meet the requirements of a universal morality, and since the Middle Ages came into conflict with a morality of obligation. It is this conflicting relationship that I analyze in this short article, emphasizing the aporias and limits of such an ethic.

Métaphysique du "Pourquoi"

The metaphysical question of "Why".

A violation of a prohibition?

Few writers in philosophy have admitted that their own metaphysical inquiry can sometimes border on some sort of transgression.

If the search for origins marks the specificity of the human spirit always in search of itself, the obsession with the "why" in the metaphysical domain exceeds the nature of this legitimate inquiry. Because this obsession, observable since the time of the pre-Socratics, violates the limits of the human mind in the name of an intellectual approach that is nothing less than natural. I explore in this reflection in a synthetic way some tracks on this subject rarely approached...

Vision béatifique

La vision béatifique au Moyen-âge.

L'apport d'Averroès

Si la fin même de la vie humaine consiste en une contemplation infinie post-mortem, comme l'ont affirmé un grand nombre de penseurs depuis l'Antiquité et la plupart des religions de salut, il convient alors de savoir en quoi consiste exactement celle-ci.

Cette réflexion fait le bilan des différentes théories qui prévalaient au Moyen-âge sur ce sujet et propose quelques solutions concernant la différence entre bétatitude naturelle et surnaturelle.

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