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Critique of current fashions

Phénomène transgenre

On the transgender phenomenon.

Desire for transgression and unrealizable fantasy.

Nothing less banal than this phenomenon of transsexuality, also called "transgender", which has been in the headlines for several years, and poses immense ethical problems.

And wanting to argue against him immediately comes to pass for a reactionary and intolerant spirit. However, this is what I am trying in this short article where I set out my grievances and my disagreement while trying to substantiate them.


Misery of Naturism .

If it seems almost impossible, in our pluralist, liberal and tolerant societies, to prohibit anything, it is possible, however, to dare to criticize a movement like naturism, whose ideology since its appearance in the 19th century crossed and nourished all totalitarian systems.

Beyond its provocative aspect or its pseudo-ecological claim, I am questioning here this ideology which is in no way natural.

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Expérience du voyage

The experience of tourist travel.

An artificial test of maternal rupture.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The tourism industry has known for several decades an unprecedented scale and ever more worrying.

At the heart of this tourist phenomenon, there is a moment that is always a little magical: the journey.

In this short article, I analyze a little-known characteristic of the journey in its psychoanalytic aspect: the return to the Mother and to the maternal.


On the issue of abuse in the Church

It is undoubtedly one of the major facts at the beginning of the 21st century and which will mark believers and Christians for a long time, that of abuses in the Churches, in particular the Catholic Church.

How to understand this scandal which has affected thousands of people for more than half a century?  

By adding my own testimony, I also try to make my own contribution to a general reflection on the effects of faith on the psyche of believers.

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