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Reflections on Christianity and Christian Theology

Argument ontologique
Echec de la foi

The ontological argument of Saint Anselm.


In the philosophical and theological realm, the ontological argument of Saint Anselm is the very model of a rational attempt to prove the existence of God. That is to say, to introduce reason into the faith.

This argument is based on a demonstrative form which has caused much ink to flow since the 11th century.

While taking up the Anselmian argumentative logic, I in turn attempt to demonstrate how this proof is certainly "ontological", as its adversaries have always asserted, but while detecting in its form a neglected aspect which depends, in my opinion. , of an implicit use of sophistry.

Le coeur de la foi chrétienne

Christian faith:

A spiritual experience of limits.


From mystical experience to community life, and from Biblical and Evangelical Revelation to expressions of faith and charitable love, this article explores, with the aid of psychoanalysis, certain manifestations of Christian faith and tries to show the often unsuspected consequences. He also questions the register on which the remarkable figure of Christ has been deployed for two thousand years.


The history of the origins of Buddhism and Christianity:

An operation to conceal historical reality.

These two great religions share common elements, even beyond their obsession with ethics.

On the surface, nothing is more foreign to Buddhist wisdom than the Christian faith, and vice versa. But the accounts of their origins betray the same movement of occultation of the historical reality which has been repressed in the myth and the legendary. The theological distinction between Jesus of Nazareth and Christ, for Christianity, and that between Sakyamuni and the Buddha, for Buddhism, already provides in itself a remarkable clue.

I endeavor, in this reflection, to demystify the origin stories of these two great religions and to propose another conception of this one which must, in my opinion, be thought in a plural mode.

Christ et Bouddha

Christ and the Buddha.

Essay on an inter-religious psychic conflict.

Multiple essays have attempted to compare these two illustrious figures of the founder of religion.

I am taking up this religious comparativism but on different bases, including an anthropological and psychoanalytic perspective. In doing so, many points in common between the two men appear, and these discoveries have prompted me to pose hypotheses as original as they are enlightening.

Liberté chrétienne et païenne

Christian freedom and pagan freedom.

A surprising confluence

It seems that Christian freedom is unlike anything else and that it cannot be compared to any other spiritual and psychological phenomenon. 

However, a little deeper analysis of this notion shows that Christian freedom shares certain aspirations with other demands for freedom. This reflection attempts to show that Christian freedom cannot be totally foreign to the aspirations of pagan freedom. With equally astonishing political consequences.

évangile de Jean

The Gospel of John

A sophisticated story shot through with incestual desire.

This monument of Christian literature and of the tradition of the Churches, considered to be of a sacredness or of a holiness superior to the other New Testament writings, would seem a priori unsuspected and unassailable.  

But a less deferential gaze marked with acuity makes it possible to detect signs that clash with the chorus of praises of which he is generally the object.

This reflection, which completes my research in this area since the " Greek Christ ", is intended to be a convincing demonstration, but not of the same intellectual nature as the gospel in question...

Foi et hypothèses

The Christian faith compared to my assumptions

This reflection takes up some of my hypotheses on faith as  Christian phenomenon.

Psychoanalysis sheds some light on questions that often remain unanswered. 

Promesses de lafoi

The promises of the Christian faith:

From failure to scandal.

What could be more difficult and more painful for a believer than to admit that his faith is only an empty form and his hopes illusions? 

Yet it is this disturbing observation that must be admitted if we want to account for the Christian phenomenon from its origins.


Les transformations de la psyché chrétienne

Les effets de la foi dans  l'histoire du premier christianisme.

L'histoire du premier christianisme forme le terreau à partir duquel l'histoire des Eglises s'est déployée dans le temps. Mais comprendre ce qui est advenu à cette époque est rien moins que facile.

Dans ce court article, qui forme une sorte de bilan de mes travaux et de mes recherches sur la foi chrétienne, j'interroge ce qui fait la spécifité des psychés des premiers chrétiens et je tente de dégager un trame intelligible de cette histoire qui se veut encore mystérieuse. 


Sur le Jésus de l'Histoire

Que ce soit le Christ de la foi ou le Jésus de l'Histoire, les deux figures de la croyance religieuse chrétienne offrent trop de dissimilitudes pour pouvoir être parfaitement intégrées l'une à l'autre ou se conjoindre harmonieusement. Cest pourquoi, elles ont fini parfois par être opposées.

Mais si le Christ de la foi l'emporte le plus souvent, c'est parce qu'il est une figure de l'imaginaire et de l'imaginaire croyant depuis des siècles.

Reste la question du Jésus de l'Histoire, que j'aborde en ce texte en insistant sur sa véracité historique. 

Jésus de l'Histoire
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